Caitlin’s journey began in infancy when her parents noticed the first signs of her illness. It wasn’t until she was in her later teenage years that mitochondrial disease was considered. “I was in the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Mitochondrial Disease Study that was conducted by Dr. Richard Boles. Now all of the symptoms that I thought were random (constant chronic fatigue, weak muscles, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, ocular migraines, high functioning autism, muscle/joint pain) all make sense,” she said. She completed genetic testing last month and hopes the results will provide more information about her mitochondrial disease, which is not her only challenge.
“I struggled in school, especially with reading comprehension and abstract thinking. I went through testing because of my challenges, and it was determined that I had high functioning autism, which I was diagnosed with when I was 15,” Caitlin added.
“My challenges with Mitochondrial Disease are first and foremost fatigue. I tend to sleep at least ten hours, and even then I experience a lot of fatigue,” Caitlin said. She battles occasional ocular migraines, muscle weakness and pain.