Spouses of LHON-Affected Individuals

Are you the spouse (or similar) of someone affected by LHON? Would you like to network with others in a similar situation? Consider joining our LHON Spouses meet-up Zoom event. This Zoom event is a great opportunity to get to know each other and share LHON-related experiences. Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio […]

LHON-Affected Women

If you're a woman with LHON vision (affected), consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Reach out to Jessica Loomer [email protected] with any questions. There's also a Facebook group for LHON-Affected Women located at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/404650029721330 Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: https://umdf.zoom.us/j/95371313871 […]

LHON – New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Connect

This call is for those living in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania with an interest in LHON. Consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Hosts Jim and Mary Tolve facilitate this call. Reach out to Jim Tolve at [email protected] with any questions. There's also a Facebook group for those in New York […]

Event Series LHON – Teens

LHON – Teens

This call is ONLY for teens (under 18) who are affected with LHON vision loss. Hosts Jeremy Poincenot and Molly Garrone lead this call. This call takes place at 5:00pm PST/8:00pm EST every other month on the first Tuesday of the month for an hour and a half unless otherwise noted.

LHON Live! Monthly Call

NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all are welcome.  You can speak up and share your thoughts, or just listen to what others have to say...It's your call! Hosts for the Call:  […]

Dads of LHON-Affected “Kids of All Ages”

NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. The monthly call for Dads of LHON-Affected "Kids of All Ages" takes place bimonthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00pm EST/5:00pm PST.  If you're a dad of someone affected by LHON, consider joining the […]

LHON Sisterhood

LHON Sisterhood Saturday, October 19, 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET Are you a woman who carries an LHON mutation? Whether you're affected by LHON symptoms or not, you're invited to be part of the LHON Sisterhood! This community is intended to provide a safe space for all women who carry an LHON mutation to discuss […]