7 events found.
Week of Events
Parenting with LHON
Parenting with LHON
This Zoom event is for anyone interested in discussing parenting while affected with LHON vision loss. Bring your questions and comments to share with the group. Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: https://umdf.zoom.us/j/95371313871 Meeting ID: 953 7131 3871 Or join by phone with one tap mobile: +16699006833,,95371313871# +16468769923,,95371313871# Canada: […]
Teen and Young Adult Virtual Meet-Up Ages 16-35
Teen and Young Adult Virtual Meet-Up Ages 16-35
UMDF Teen/Young Adult "Virtual Meet-Up" Teens and Young Adults Age 16-35 Every Friday! 8:00pm ET Join us EVERY Friday for a VIRTUAL Meet-Up! Join us for this "Virtual Meet-Up"! It is tough being stuck at home, but you are not alone. Let's get together, share coping tips and have some FUN! UMDF Support Ambassadors, Kristi […]