Energy for Life Walk – Delaware Valley
Pennington Park 801 Creek Road, Delanco, New JerseyENERGY FOR LIFE WALK DELAWARE VALLEY LOCATION Pennington Park SCHEDULE Site Opens: 10:30 AM Opening Ceremony: 11:30 AM CONTACT Monika Hancock - 412-225-9066
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all are welcome. You can speak up and share your thoughts, or just listen to what others have to say...It's your call! Hosts Jessica Loomer and Andy […]
Energy for Life Walk – Chicago
Katherine Legge Memorial Park 5901 County Line Road, Hinsdale, IL, United StatesENERGY FOR LIFE WALK CHICAGO LOCATION Katherine Legge Memorial Park SCHEDULE Site Opens: 9:00 AM Opening Ceremony: 10:00 AM CONTACT Angela Sommer - 412-744-1066
TK2d Tuesday
Thymidine kinase 2 deficiency (TK2d) is a rare mitochondrial disease that impacts people around the world. TK2d Tuesday is the second Tuesday of September and is meant to celebrate the TK2d community and its resilience. Learn more at
LHON-Affected Women
If you're a woman with LHON vision (affected), consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Reach out to Jessica Loomer [email protected] with any questions. There's also a Facebook group for LHON-Affected Women located at this link: Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: […]
UMDF Ask the Mito Doc Webcast Series – Understanding Genetic Testing
Join us as we hear from Dr. Austin Larson and Dr. Eva Morava-Kozicz as they provide updates on Genetic Testing for Mitochondrial Disease Patients.
LHON Southeast Connect
This call is for those living in Georgia and Florida, with an interest in LHON. Consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation.
Teen and Young Adult Virtual Meet-Up Ages 16-35
UMDF Teen/Young Adult "Virtual Meet-Up" Teens and Young Adults Age 16-35 Every Friday! 8:00pm ET Join us EVERY Friday for a VIRTUAL Meet-Up! Join us for this "Virtual Meet-Up"! It is tough being stuck at home, but you are not alone. Let's get together, share coping tips and have some FUN! UMDF Support Ambassadors, Kristi […]
Energy for Life Walk – Kansas City
Lowenstein Park 1901 NW Lowenstein Dr, Lee's Summit, MOENERGY FOR LIFE WALK KANSAS CITY SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 LOCATION Lowenstein Park 1901 NW Lowenstein Dr Lee's Summit, MO 64081 SCHEDULE Site Opens: 9:00 AM Opening Ceremony: 10:00 AM CONTACT Deidra Atchley - 913-208-8725 Monika Hancock- 412-225-9066
Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting
Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting Hello Parents and Caregivers impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for a Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know each other, share resources, and build community! Join us for a VIRTUAL MEETING! The THIRD Monday of every month! 8:00pm-9:00pm ET Register HERE After registering, you […]
LHON Awareness Day
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a rare inherited mitochondrial disorder. Its primary symptom is sudden, painless loss of central vision. Learn more at