Energy for Life Walkathon Team Captain Rally

Calling all EFL Team Captains!! We are kicking off the season with a Rally Call for all team captains (and their co-captains) to come together, meet and learn from each […]

Event Series LHON Sisterhood

LHON Sisterhood

Are you a woman who carries an LHON mutation? Whether you're affected by LHON symptoms or not, you're invited to be part of the LHON Sisterhood! This community is intended to provide a safe space for all women who carry an LHON mutation to discuss topics specific to navigating life as a woman impacted by carrying an LHON mutation.

Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting

Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting Hello Parents and Caregivers impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for a Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know […]