Energy for Life Walkathon Team Captain Rally
Calling all EFL Team Captains!! We are kicking off the season with a Rally Call for all team captains (and their co-captains) to come together, meet and learn from each […]
LHON – Teens
This call is ONLY for teens (under 18) who are affected with LHON vision loss. Hosts Jeremy Poincenot and Molly Garrone lead this call. This call takes place at 5:00pm PST/8:00pm EST every other month on the first Tuesday of the month for an hour and a half unless otherwise noted.
LHON Sisterhood
Are you a woman who carries an LHON mutation? Whether you're affected by LHON symptoms or not, you're invited to be part of the LHON Sisterhood! This community is intended to provide a safe space for all women who carry an LHON mutation to discuss topics specific to navigating life as a woman impacted by carrying an LHON mutation.
UMDF Ask the Mito Doc Webcast Series – Cardiac Issues and the Mitochondrial Disease Patient
Join us as we hear from Dr. Hilary Vernon and Dr. Reid Thompson regarding cardiac issues and how the issues present in the mitochondrial disease patient.
Dads of LHON-Affected “Kids of All Ages”
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. The bimonthly call for Dads of LHON-Affected "Kids of All Ages" takes place […]
Western New York Support Meeting
"Virtual AND In-Person" Support Meeting- Western New York You are not alone. Join us to share coping tips and connect with others. We are now meeting in-person. Please let us […]
Northeast PA Support Meeting
Support Meeting- Northeast PA Third Saturday of each Month- In-Person 1:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern St. Luke's Hospital Priscilla Payne Hurd Education Room Room 104 801 Ostrum Street Bethlehem, PA […]
Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting
Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting Hello Parents and Caregivers impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for a Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know […]
Central Region Virtual Support Meeting
Central Region Virtual Support Meeting UMDF hosts regular virtual support group meetings and events for patients and families affected by mitochondrial disease. Join us to gain coping tips, share your […]
LHON Assistive Technology Meeting
This Zoom event is for anyone interested in discussing LHON & Assistive Technology. T
Spouses of LHON-Affected Individuals
Are you the spouse (or similar) of someone affected by LHON? Would you like to network with others in a similar situation? Please join our LHON Spouses meet-up Zoom event.
Adult Virtual Support Meeting
Adult Virtual Support Meeting Hello Adults impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for an Adult Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know each other, share resources, and build community! Join us […]