UMDF Connect
Meet Wesley Slimp
Wesley Slimp of Marietta, GA, has been interested in cars and racing for as long as he can remember and now it has become his passion.
Corporate Partner – Summit Health Pharmacy
UMDF is proud to shine this month’s Corporate Partner Spotlight on Summit Health Pharmacy. We are grateful to Vince Canazanese, Robin Greene-Toler and Trish Istenes who always so graciously accept our requests for support.
Meet Cole Salerno
Cole Salerno was just a few days old when his mom, Victoria, felt something was wrong. He wasn’t eating well, he was suffering from GI issues, and he was in pain. It seemed that all he could do was sleep.
Join Our Give Energy Corporate Partners
This holiday season, we count on the generosity of corporate partners to make a difference in the lives of those affected by mitochondrial disease.
Author Donates Royalties From Book About LHON Patient
It was by coincidence that that Traci Medford-Rosow met the subject of her latest book. Her husband, Joel, was walking the couple’s dogs through their New York City neighborhood when he ran into another dog walker, Kevin Coughlin.
Meet Chaz Davis: Living With LHON
“It was that sense of accomplishment that has carried me to where I am today.” Charles ‘Chaz’ Davis remembers March 3, 2013 vividly. The University of Hartford freshman was sitting in an English class and noticed that he was having difficulty seeing out of the center...
Meet Joe McCormick, Jr.
In honor of National Blindness Awareness Month, we feature LHON patient Joe McCormick. Joe was looking toward a bright future. While in high school, he remembers that life revolved around hanging out with friends and playing sports.
Minovia Moves Fast Towards Treatment For Pearson Syndrome
UMDF’s Mitochondrial Medical Symposium has become the place where news breaks on the latest potential treatments and clinical trials. In 2019, Minovia Therapeutics, an Israeli company running the first ever cell therapy trial to treat a mitochondrial disease.
Putting Mitochondrial Disease Down for the Count
Every Wednesday night, you will find eight year old Harper Johnson in her seat at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY. While she loves dance and will appear this year in ‘The Nutcracker,’ it’s not the ballet she is coming to see.
They’ve Been Walking for 20 Years
Lora Lacey was in her senior year of high school when she suffered a viral infection that affected her muscles. At the time, her mitochondrial disease was barely noticeable and she would not get an official diagnosis of mitochondrial myopathy until she was 19.