The Heartstrings Award recognizes a child or teen that has donated or raised funds for the UMDF, enabling the UMDF to continue its mission. The winner is chosen based on related criteria of age, time invested, talents demonstrated, effectiveness, generosity and how the individual has “tugged at the heartstrings.”
We are proud to recognize Jackson Adams of Woodhaven, WI, as the 2021 Heartstrings Award recipient. Jackson wrote an essay for his local Kiwanis Club Writing Contest. The topic was “If I had $100, I would give it to…” and Jackson chose the UMDF. In the essay, Jackson talked about his cousin, Russell, who lost his battle with mitochondrial disease at 2 years old.
Jackson was the winner of the contest and a donation was made in honor of his cousin. His touching essay is the reason why Jackson is our 2021 Heartstrings Award Winner.