LHON West Connect
April 8, 2026 @ 10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
The LHON Southwest & LHON Pacific Northwest groups have merged!
This Zoom event is a great opportunity to connect and discuss resources of interest to the Southwest LHON (previously California) & Northwest LHON communities! Consider joining the call to share your experiences with others in a similar situation. Contact Bob Banks with any questions at rwbanks@hotmail.com or Patrick Doolittle at doolittlepc@gmail.com with any questions.
There are also Facebook groups for those in the Southwest & Northwest areas:
- Southwest: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1634812156795801
- Northwest: https://www.facebook.com/groups/240239936350807
Join Details:
One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: https://umdf.zoom.us/j/95371313871
Meeting ID: 953 7131 3871
Or if your phone plan includes Unlimited Minutes, then here are Toll Charge numbers to one-click call: