UMDF Genetic Testing for Suspected Mitochondrial Disease Program
Thank you for your interest in participating in the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation’s (UMDF) Pilot No-cost Genetic Testing Program for Suspected Mitochondrial Disease in partnership with MNG Laboratories. The program will end on January 31, 2024.
As of January 5, 2024, no new test kits can be ordered. Any outstanding test kits for this program must be received by MNG Laboratories along with a fully completed test request form by January 31, 2024 in order to be processed.
To see what other UMDF genetic testing options exist, please visit our Genetic Testing landing page.
For general questions regarding the program, email [email protected].
For specific questions about order processing and existing test orders, email [email protected].
About this Program
This website provides easy instructions to ensure your genetic test request is correctly processed. You can read our brochure for more details.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Ordering clinician and patient must be based in the USA
- Patient must have a clinical diagnosis consistent with PMD
- Patient has never had whole exome or whole genome sequencing.
- Patients without insurance, or insurance that does not cover costs for such tests.
IMPORTANT: We ask that you ensure all insurance options have been exhausted prior to submitting a test request. Since many other disorders have clinical symptoms that overlap with PMD, and testing capacity is limited, please use discretion before ordering.
Submission Directions
- Visit the MNG site to download the TRF and order testing kits. MNG offers two options for sample collection, either Blood Genetic Collection Kit or Buccal Swab Genetic Collection Kit. You may use either sample type when submitting an order. PLEASE NOTE: Only one test ki of each sample type can be ordered at a time. Due to supply chain issues, please allow a 8-10 days for kit arrival via FedEx Ground. TRF can be filled out digitally, but needs to be printed for patient signature. Kits cannot be shipped directly to patients.
- Fully complete all sections of the TRF form. Print a copy and complete signatures from physician and patient.
- Patient must read and sign the consent.
- Collect sample and place sample, completed TRF and patient consent in the return postage paid test kit box.
- Test results will be provided in 4 to 6 weeks. We would encourage you to allow at least 6 weeks for patient follow-up.
Before you send checklist
All of the following are encouraged to be included with test orders:
→ All specimens that will be analyzed
→ Completed Clinical Information
→ Informed Consent for Genetic Testing shared with patient and attestation signed (page 1)
Failure to follow the directions above, including returning incomplete forms, may delay your test request and/or potentially lead to cancellation of the order.
For specific questions about order processing: [email protected]
Remember, UMDF is here you support you and your patient.
UMDF has a number of resources to help patients find applicable clinical trials, attend a support meetings, find educational materials, and more. If you or a patient have a need, we encourage you to reach to [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the goal of this UMDF-sponsored genetic testing program?
What form of genetic testing is being provided in this program?
Who can request this genetic test?
Can patients submit a test request?
Who can I contact if I have general questions about the program?
Who can I contact if I have a question about the test provided or a specific order?
Is there any cost associated with this program?
How will patient information be used?
Who is eligible to participate in this program?
My patient has insurance that may cover genetic testing. Can I place an order using insurance to pay?
I know this program does not accept insurance. Does MNG offer the test with insurance payment?