Workplace Giving
Does your company facilitate workplace giving campaigns? Ask your company about supporting UMDF! Here are a few ways to give through your workplace:

Payroll Deduction
A donation that is automatically deducted from your paycheck is simple and budget friendly. You can spread your pledge to UMDF over the course of the year without writing a check or providing credit card information. Every employer is different, but here are the facts:
- Choose from a recurring or one-time payroll deduction
- There are no extra fees
- Your donation is 100% tax-deductible
Contact your Human Resources Department to get started!

Matching Gift Program
When you double a donation, it doubles the impact. Check if your employer will match a donation to UMDF using this convenient search tool.

United Way Pledge
If your employer is among the many companies who participate in United Way’s annual pledge drive, ask if UMDF can be the designated recipient for the funds that are raised.
- Call your local United Way office and ask if there is a DONOR CHOICE program in your area. If so, you can donate to UMDF through the United Way. If not, simply click here and donate directly to UMDF.
2. Pledges will be acknowledged according to the pledge form provided by your employer or local United Way office. If UMDF is not listed on the form, simply complete it as follows:
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
8085 Saltsburg Road, Suite 201
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
888-317-UMDF (8633)