You Are Not Alone
UMDF Is Here to Help.
Let us connect you with a variety of helpful resources, educational information and strong, supportive shoulders to lean on.
Call, email or complete the form and a member of our Support Team will contact you shortly.
(888) 900-MITO (6486)
[email protected]
Email Address
“Support Ambassadors are UMDF’s ‘boots on the ground.’ Our Ambassadors serve as a listening ear. Someone that has walked this journey and can recognize the challenges better than anyone else. UMDF is here to ensure that our mito families and affected adults are never alone.”
Margaret Anne Moore
UMDF Support/Education Associate
This contact form is generally used for information about mitochondrial disease, support, education, and/or awareness. All other inquires will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member(s). Please note: We are a lay organization; therefore, we cannot give medical advice. For medical advice, please contact your physician(s) and/or visit our Find a Doctor database.