An Update from UMDF Board Chair Dr. Alicia Palladino

Dear UMDF Community, 

For those of you who had the opportunity to join more than 700 patients, family members, clinicians, and researchers at the Mitochondrial Medicine Conference in Cleveland a few weeks ago, I am sure you will agree that it was a powerful experience. The passion of the UMDF community is incredible – and as we get closer and closer to approved treatments, it’s only getting stronger. It is in this spirit that I would like to thank the UMDF staff and numerous volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to creating this year’s incredible conference. THANK YOU!

Last month, I shared that UMDF President and CEO Brian Harman will be leaving UMDF effective July 19, 2024, to pursue a new opportunity. Brian has been a transformative leader throughout the last six years, helping oversee critical initiatives like FDA listening sessions, no-cost genetic testing, Venture Philanthropy, and so much more. While we’re sad to see Brian go, we know the good work he and his predecessor Chuck Mohan set in motion will continue at UMDF. Most notably, Brian leaves behind a strong team of dedicated staff who understand the importance of our mission. 

As we transition to the next chapter, I’m pleased to announce UMDF’s Science and Alliance Officer, Dr. Philip Yeske, has accepted the role of Interim Managing Director. As both a distinguished scientist who has been with UMDF for nearly two decades and the father of a child lost to mitochondrial disease, Dr. Yeske is well prepared to ensure that UMDF continues to meet the community’s needs during this transition. In his interim management role, Dr. Yeske will continue his current work leading UMDF’s scientific research mission and oversee day-to-day UMDF operations. 

I would also like to inform you that The UMDF Board of Trustees has engaged On-Ramps, a search and consulting firm, to conduct a national search for our next Chief Executive Officer. As this search progresses, we’ll work to keep you informed. 

Until then, I offer many thanks — to Dr. Yeske and our dedicated UMDF staff, for their relentless energy and passion to help this cause; and to you, the UMDF community, for your patience and trust as we work through this transition. Please know that we are committed to finding a leader who can rise to the occasion and lead us into a world with mitochondrial disease therapies and cures. 


Dr. Alicia Palladino, Chair, on behalf of the Board of Trustees for the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation