LHON On-set Over 60
Reach out to Lissa Poincenot at lhonpoince@aol.com with any questions. Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: https://umdf.zoom.us/j/95371313871 Meeting ID: 953 7131 […]
LHON & Charles Bonnet Syndrome Connect
Many people who are affected with LHON vision also experience Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS), the experience of phantom images or hallucinations which co-exist with one's regular visual experience. They can […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON DC-Area Connect
This call is for those living in the DC-Area with an interest in LHON. Consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Reach out to Lissa […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON – Southwest x Pacific Northwest Connect
LHON - Southwest x Pacific Northwest Connect This Zoom event is a great opportunity to connect and discuss resources of interest to the Southwest LHON (previously California) community! Contact Bob […]