LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON & Entrepreneurs
LHON & Entrepreneurs Monday, October 21, 8:00 – 9:00 pm ET Being an Entrepreneur can be a rewarding employment path for some in the LHON community. This Zoom event is […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON DC-Area Connect
This call is for those living in the DC-Area with an interest in LHON. Consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Reach out to Lissa […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON – New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Connect
Please Join Us! This call for those living in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania with an interest in LHON takes place quarterly on the third Thursday of the month […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
LHON MS Zoom Event
LHON MS Zoom Event This Zoom event is for those in the LHON community who also live with MS. Our goal is to develop connections among those who have both […]
LHON Live! Monthly Call
NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all […]
Navigating Employment/Careers with LHON
This Zoom event is for anyone interested in discussing Navigating Employment/Careers with LHON. Bring your questions and comments to share with the group. There is also a Facebook group: Navigating Employment/Careers with […]
Spouses of LHON – Affected Individuals
Are you the spouse (or similar) of someone affected by LHON? Would you like to network with others in a similar situation? Consider joining our event for Spouses of LHON-Affected Individuals […]