Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting

Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting Hello Parents and Caregivers impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for a Parent and Caregiver Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know each other, share resources, and build community! Join us for a VIRTUAL MEETING! The THIRD Monday of every month! 8:00pm-9:00pm ET Register HERE After registering, you […]

LHON – New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Connect

This call is for those living in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania with an interest in LHON. Consider joining the call and sharing your experiences with others in a similar situation. Hosts Jim and Mary Tolve facilitate this call. Reach out to Jim Tolve at [email protected] with any questions. There's also a Facebook group for those in New York […]

Central Region Virtual Support Meeting

Central Region Virtual Support Meeting UMDF hosts regular virtual support group meetings and events for patients and families affected by mitochondrial disease. Join us to gain coping tips, share your story and connect with others. We hope you will attend and see that you are not alone. Thursday, January 26 • 7:00pm – 8:00pm Central Learn […]

Parenting with LHON

This Zoom event is for anyone interested in discussing parenting while affected with LHON vision loss. Bring your questions and comments to share with the group. Join Details: One option is to use Internet Audio to call at no charge at: Meeting ID: 953 7131 3871 Or join by phone with one tap mobile: +16699006833,,95371313871# +16468769923,,95371313871# Canada: […]

California Virtual Support Group Meeting

UMDF hosts regular virtual support group meetings and events for patients and families affected by mitochondrial disease. Join us to gain coping tips, share your story and connect with others. We hope you will attend and see that you are not alone. Monday, March 7 • 10:00pm – 11:00am Pacific Learn more & register here. […]

Event Series Adult Virtual Support Meeting

Adult Virtual Support Meeting

Adult Virtual Support Meeting Hello Adults impacted by Mitochondrial Disease! Please join us for an Adult Virtual Support Meeting. We will get to know each other, share resources, and build community! Join us for a VIRTUAL MEETING! The FIRST Thursday of every month! 8:00pm-9:00pm ET Register HERE After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining […]

Event Series LHON Live! Monthly Call

LHON Live! Monthly Call

NOTE: Unless specific to a geographic location - all LHON virtual meetings will be set in Eastern Time. This call is for everyone interested in LHON...those affected, carriers, or sighted supporters...all are welcome.  You can speak up and share your thoughts, or just listen to what others have to say...It's your call!  Hosts Jessica Loomer and Andy […]